Click on the tab below for an in-depth look at each of the character from Forestium: The Mirror Never lies in these character interviews.
Interviewer | So, Joshua, how does it feel to be the main protagonist in the Portallas book series? |
Joshua | Well, It’s OK, I guess. I don’t really think about it much. In fact, all I’ve been able to think about for some time now have been the trials. |
Interviewer | Trials? Is that some sort of ritual rite of passage? |
Joshua | I guess you could call it that. In Forestium, you have to pass the trials before you can call yourself a true Woodsman. |
Interviewer | Sounds like it might be something difficult? |
Joshua | It is. I have to know how to hunt, use weapons, make things, track animals and lots of other things. It’s a really big deal completing the trials. I was going to do it this year, but I had to leave Morelle to find my Dad. |
Interviewer | Find your Dad? What do you mean? |
Joshua | Well, Mum doesn’t talk about it much but he left when I was very young and, well, he didn’t come back. They tell me he died in battle but…I don’t know. I’ve been having these dreams and…well, anyway, we’ll see what happens. |
Interviewer | Ok, well I hope you find him. Let’s have a chat with Andrew over here. |
Interviewer | So, tell me, Andrew, how long have you been friends with Joshua here? |
Andrew | Since I can remember. We’ve grown up together so we’re practically brothers. |
Interviewer | I see. I bet you can tell me some funny stories about him then? |
Andrew | More than a few. He can be quite stubborn when he wants to but his heart is always in the right place. |
Interviewer | I bet. Are you practicing for these trials as well? |
Andrew | Sure am. We’ve been practicing at Lake Morelle for the past few months, Joshua and me, that is. Not that I need to practice, of course. It’s his aim that we need to work on. |
Interviewer | That’s great. Well, you keep helping him, Andrew, and I’m sure the two of you will pass through those trials with flying colours. |
Interviewer | So, who do we have here? |
Sarah | Oh, well, I’m Sarah. This is kind of awkward. I mean, I’m not very good at this interview thing. I mean I could be, but I’ve never really tried it. I suppose it’s really easy. All I have to do is answer your questions really, isn’t that right? I mean, I can do that. I talk to the animals all the time so it can’t be that different. Of course, they don’t talk back or anything. Well, I suppose they do but not the way you and I talk. I mean, that would be silly, and… |
Interviewer | Ahem. So, OK, tell me, Sarah. What do you do? I mean, what sort of skills do you have? Joshua tells me you have lots of skills. |
Sarah | Oh, gosh, well, I don’t know really. I mean I can cook, I suppose. Forestium has some wonderful shrooms and it’s easy enough to throw together some Liffle leaves or Bergle root or something. It’s amazing the number of ways you can cook boiled shrooms you know. Let’s see, oh, yes, well there’s hunting, which I guess I’m OK at. I mean, I’ve never caught a Wood-boar or anything but I did accidentally catch a Raetheon once. It sort of stumbled into my trap. You see, it had a broken wing and… |
Interviewer | Well, that’s terrific Sarah. I tell you what, since we don’t have a lot of time left, let’s move on and see who else we have to talk to. |
Interviewer | So, what's your name young man? |
Galleon | I’m not a young man! I’m an Imp. Don’t tell me! You’ve never heard of Imps either, right? |
Interviewer | Um, well, actually…no…I… |
Galleon | No, I’m not surprised. Honestly, you’d think people would be a bit more sensitive to these things after all these years. |
Interviewer | Um, OK…well… |
Galleon | Some interview this is. I mean really! I’ve had more interesting interviews with a Wood-boar that died of unnatural causes. I don’t suppose you have any Wood-wine around here either? |
Interviewer | Ok, perhaps you can tell me a bit about yourself. I understand you used to be a fisherman? |
Galleon | Fisherman? Me? No, that's not right. Like other Imps, I do come from the Southern Tip, which is a fishing port, but I've never been a fisherman myself. I did serve a few years on the trading ship the Southern Seas but that didn't last long. |
Interviewer | I see. Well, how did you meet Joshua? Isn't the Southern Tip a long way from Morelle? |
Galleon | Actually, he rescued me. I somehow managed to get caught in a Wood-boar net when the two youngsters here found me. I was travelling the land trying to find other Imps at the time. |
Interviewer | Have you been travelling the land for long? |
Galleon | Longer than I can remember. I mean honestly. I've been travelling so long, half the Ashfer trees in Forestium have grown up and died of boredom. |
Interviewer | Haha. Well, thanks for that, Galleon. I think we'll need to move on now. |
Interviewer | So, it says here your name is Fable, is that correct? |
Fable | Well of course it's Fable. I thought I told you that earlier. |
Interviewer | Um...indeed. And I understand you run an inn? |
Fable | That's right. Fable & Florelle's inn. We serve the best Wood-wine in all of Forestium. |
Interviewer | I see. And where it is? |
Fable | Middle of the Forest. |
Interviewer | Right. OK, so do you get many visitors in the middle of the forest? |
Fable | I suppose so. |
Interviewer | Aha. And I expect you are surrounded by lots of animals, too? |
Fable | That's right. Ruddy vermin. I keep telling her we're better off cooking and serving them but... |
Interviewer | OK, that's great. I think we'd better move on and have a chat with your lovely wife. |
Interviewer | And you must be Fable's lovely wife, Florelle? |
Florelle | Oh, yes, that's me. Thanks for saying so, me darling. |
Interviewer | It says here that you're the reason there are always so many animals around your inn. Can you tell me why that is? |
Florelle | Oh, well, someone's gotta look after 'em don't they dearie? Poor things. Injured forest creatures know to come to me and I’ll fix ‘em up good an’ proper. |
Interviewer | Wow, that's lovely. And what else do you do there at Fable & Florelle's inn? |
Florelle | Oh, well, I look after the customers and see that they're all fed good 'n proper. Me speciality is a pot of me 'ome made stew. It'll put 'airs on yer chest so it will. |
Interviewer | And do you get many customers? |
Florelle | Oh yes, we get 'em from far and wide. Traders mostly, mind. Not so many imps any more, though. |
Interviewer | Well, I hope business keeps up for you. Thanks for stopping by. |
Interviewer | And here we have, Melachor? |
Melachor | Yes, that's me. |
Interviewer | And what do you do? |
Melachor | I've been a Trader for many years. It takes me far and wide throughout Forestium, although I haven't been on the road for some time now. |
Interviewer | I see. And do you have a family? |
Melachor | Yes, my wife, Veloria and I have two small children, Sandor and Jared. |
Interviewer | I see. And where do you all live. |
Melachor | In the North - about a day's travel west of Temerelle. It's a quiet and out of the way place but we like it there. |
Interviewer | It must be nice to be able to spend so much time with you family now that you aren't on the road so much? |
Melachor | It is. There's nothing I wouldn't do for them. |
Interviewer | That's great. We should all be so lucky! Thanks for taking the time to come along today. |
Interviewer | Ok, we're now talking to Protello, do I have that right? |
Protello | Yes, that's correct. |
Interviewer | It says here you are a magical being that can become other things? What's that all about? |
Protello | That's true. I'm a Metamorph. We have special powers and can, as you say, become other things when the need arises. |
Interviewer | It looks like you've chosen to be a Woodsman for us today? |
Protello | Indeed. I thought it would be easier for you. It's probably not wise to try to interview a wild Wood-boar or Raetheon. |
Interviewer | Well, I suppose that's true. So what other special powers to you possess? |
Protello | All Metamorphs have healing powers. |
Interviewer | Really? I bet that must come in handy? |
Protello | We don't like to show our powers. It isn't wise for any of us to do so. He has eyes everywhere and it isn't always safe for us to be out in the open. |
Interviewer | He? Who are you talking about? |
Protello | Why the Goat, of course. There aren't many of my kind left because of Him. |
Interviewer | Hmmm. He doesn't sound like a very nice person. |
Protello | Indeed. Half man and half beast, the Goat has a vicious temper and is best avoided at all costs. But some of us have managed to elude him. |
Interviewer | OK, well I think we should wrap it up there. Thank you for stopping by. |