Most popular quotes from the most popular biography & memoir authors

Have you ever pondered a popular quote from a popular author? Ever read something and thought Wow! That's just too good not to share? Thanks to the miracles of modern technology, now anyone can share a special quote with everyone.

Of course, just because you find interesting or poignant, that doesn't mean others will, right? Well, what if lots of people find the same quote interesting?

Here's a summary of the top 2 most popular quotes taken from the most popular biographies & memoirs as reported by Kindle readers...

Have you ever pondered a popular quote from a popular author? One of the great things about reading fiction is today's modern age is the fact that very many more people can share their love of books.
Have you ever pondered a popular quote from a popular author? One of the great things about reading fiction is today's modern age is the fact that very many more people can share their love of books.

1) I was so used to living inside my own world that I answered with whatever I had been thinking.

2) Many descriptions of autism and Asperger’s describe people like me as “not wanting contact with others” or “preferring to play alone.” I can’t speak for other kids, but I’d like to be very clear about my own feelings: I did not ever want to be alone.

Look Me in the Eye
- John Elfer Robinson

1) Those who seek to protect the body at all cost die many times over. Those who risk the body to survive as men have a good chance to live on.

2) Their earthly possessions had so taken possession of them that they could not move; instead of using them, they were run by them.

- Miklos Nyiszli

1) Human knowledge is never contained in one person. It grows from the relationships we create between each other and the world, and still it is never complete.

2) When you come to one of the many moments in life where you must give an account of yourself, provide a ledger of what you have been, and done, and meant to the world, do not, I pray, discount that you filled a dying man’s days with a sated joy, a joy unknown to me in all my prior years, a joy that does not hunger for more and more but rests, satisfied. In this time, right now, that is an enormous thing.

When Breath Becomes Air
- Paul Kalanithi

1) If someone likes the product, but doesn’t like you, they won’t buy it; if, on the other hand, they’re not crazy about the product, yet they like you, well, they may buy it anyway. In business, you have to sell yourself first. It’s all about impressions.

2) “The artist must open our eyes to what unaided we could not see, and in order to do so he often needs to modify the familiar appearance of things and so make something which is, in the photographic sense, a bad likeness.” The greatest artists teach us how to perceive through the use of expression and decoration. They are scientists, manipulating color, line, light, space, and mass in ways that reveal human nature. “The artist gives us satisfaction by seeing far more clearly than we could see for ourselves.”

- Robert K. Wittman

1) Among the words first found in Shakespeare are abstemious, antipathy, critical, frugal, dwindle, extract, horrid, vast, hereditary, critical, excellent, eventful, barefaced, assassination, lonely, leapfrog, indistinguishable, well-read, zany, and countless others (including countless).

2) His real gift was as a phrasemaker. “Shakespeare’s language,” says Stanley Wells, “has a quality, difficult to define, of memorability that has caused many phrases to enter the common language.”

- Bill Bryson

1) The only pain he could feel was his own. That kind of total preoccupation with self is the mark of a sociopath.

2) Misery spreads out from a murder in ripples, blighting everything it touches.

Without a Doubt
- Marcia Clark

1) He counted thirteen virtues: temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquillity, chastity, and humility.

2) In Middle English, a frankeleyn is a free man, an owner of land but not of title: neither a serf nor a peasant but not a nobleman, either.

Book of Ages
- Jill Lepore

1) I think now God gives each one of us a measure of happiness for our lives, and some are allowed more than others.

2) I’d already been an orphan, a wife, and a mother. Now I was a widow. I was only three months past my sixteenth birthday.

- Donna Foley Mabry

1) Try hard, play by the rules, help your friends, don’t get too crazy, and have fun.

2) Those experiences taught me the lessons that came in handy later in my life

My Mother Was Nuts
- Penny Marshall

1) The Philadelphia mutiny had major repercussions in American history, for it gave rise to the notion that the national capital should be housed in a special federal district where it would never stand at the mercy of state governments.

2) If Jefferson provided the essential poetry of American political discourse, Hamilton established the prose of American statecraft.

Alexander Hamilton
- Ron Chernow

1) If this hike had taught me anything, it was that I needed to live in the present. If I thought about yesterday I would feel exhausted and distracted, and if I looked toward tomorrow I would become overwhelmed and demoralized. At any given time, the only thing I could do for certain was take one more step and then another and another.

2) It made me realize how much our culture is paralyzed by the fear of losing. I wasn’t worried about not succeeding; I was worried about not trying.

Called Again
- Jennifer Pharr Davis

1) When life throws something unexpected in your path, the only useful thing to do is figure out how to get over, under, around or through it the best way you can.

2) If you sit around and think about how shitty things are, all that happens is that things stay shitty.

- Maci Bookout

1) “White America” is a syndicate arrayed to protect its exclusive power to dominate and control our bodies. Sometimes this power is direct (lynching), and sometimes it is insidious (redlining). But however it appears, the power of domination and exclusion is central to the belief in being white, and without it, “white people” would cease to exist for want of reasons.

2) Black people love their children with a kind of obsession. You are all we have, and you come to us endangered. I think we would like to kill you ourselves before seeing you killed by the streets that America made. That is a philosophy of the disembodied, of a people who control nothing, who can protect nothing, who are made to fear not just the criminals among them but the police who lord over them with all the moral authority of a protection racket.

Between the World and Me
- Ta-Nehisi Coates

1) If a man has been his mother’s undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success with it.

2) In both the 1989 abuse incident and the murder case five years later, the police behavior suggested a fear of offending a celebrity.

The Run of His Life
- Jeffrey Toobin

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Have you ever pondered a popular quote from a popular author? One of the great things about reading fiction is today's modern age is the fact that very many more people can share their love of books.
Have you ever pondered a popular quote from a popular author? One of the great things about reading fiction is today's modern age is the fact that very many more people can share their love of books.

Do you have a favourite quote from a biography or memoir that's not listed here? Post your favourite below and see who agrees with you.

Have you ever pondered a popular quote from a popular author? One of the great things about reading fiction is today's modern age is the fact that very many more people can share their love of books.
Have you ever pondered a popular quote from a popular author? One of the great things about reading fiction is today's modern age is the fact that very many more people can share their love of books.

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